


16.15: Welcome everybody

WRITING (75 min.)
LISTENING (40 min.)

BREAK (30 min + -)

READING (75 min.)


9.30  Emilia G. and Mª Ángeles G.
9.45 Emilia P. and Consuelo
10.00 Cristina and  Victoria
10.30. José Luis and Pascual
11.00 Carmen Mª and Paqui
11.15 Javier, Noelia and Miryam


9.30 Ana and Nuria
10.00 Antonio and María
10.15 Álvaro and Víctor
10.30 Isabel and Lidia
10.45 Mª José and Noelia
11.00 María M. and Caty
11.15 Dafne and María C.
11.30 Victoria and Antonio

Warning 1: You will be expected to come 5 minutes before the arranged hours. However, there might be some delay at some point (since I need to think hard before grading your exam!), so please be patient and try not to speak loud while you are waiting outside.

Warning 2:

If you have questions or doubts do not hesitate to contact me at this e-mail address: reme@eoimolina.org




Degrees of Comparison: Revise and Check!

Dear students,

these are some sites where you can read about the use of the comparison in English:

1. Degrees of Comparison: summary + test

2. Equal, Unequal, Double Comparatives... etc. + test

After several years learning English, you must have a good grasp of the use of comparison, but I recommend you pay attention to the numbered comparatives, since they might be new for some of you.

Numbered Comparatives

Numbered comparatives can include such words or phrases as: half, twice, three times, four times, etc.

The phrase as much as is used for non-countable nouns and as many as is used for countable nouns.

The phrase more than is NOT used with numbered comparatives. It is incorrect to say four times more than, etc.


  • This rock weighs twice as much as that one.
  • Ronald has four times as much money as Paul.
  • The cat had half as many kittens as before.


Class Pictures!!!!

Dear students,
here we are!!!!!
(A bit blurred, but happy!)

Homework + key Grammar Bank 9 and 10

Dear students,

don't forget to do the last reading exercise for Thursday (pages 98-99). Also, read the rules of Grammar Banks 9 and 10 and do the exercises. I am posting the key below, since we are not doing them in class. You are welcome to ask questions, though. I will comment on them on Thursday.


Dear students,
this is the presentation on how to write a complaint letter. It seems some error occurred when I tried to upload the file last week. I'm sorry!



Week(end) Movies: "Confessions of a Shopaholic"

Dear students,

this weekend seems to offer the best opportunity to watch a silly film (I guess you are going to think hard about voting, hehe, and don't want to distract you too much). As shopping is one of the main topics we are approaching this year, I would like to recommend Confessions of a Shopaholic. This film deals with a shopping addict who works for a magazine. At some point, she has to overcome some conflicts, experience romance and survive her own shopping habits.

Click here and play the video!

Food and Buying Food -Vocabulary

Dear students,

this is the Presentation on Food (Healty Food, Junk Fook, Buying Food, English Food and Food Idioms!) I presented today in class. Enjoy.



Writing Exam (list of types of composition)

This is a list of types of compositions you can be asked to write. These are the formats. The contents, as you know, will be the topics we have studied this year.
I hope you find it useful,
good luck!

Topics For The Oral Exam

Dear studentes,

this is a summary of the possible topics that might appear in the oral exam. Of course, you will be expected to be creative and spontaneous, so you might combine ideas coming from any of them in your speech (as far as it sounds coherent and you don't lose focus).
Good luck!

PowerPoint Presentation on Shopping and Money

Dear students,
the powerpoint presentation we screened in class today is available here.
I hope you find it useful,


Please, do the reading activities on page 84 and the Vocabulary Bank on page 162 (Business, Bank, etc.)


Homework for tomorrow

Hey guys,

remember you had to complete the "Revise and Check" section, and do the reading exercise on pages 84-85.

See you soon!

Listening Resources: Learn English Through Films

Dear all,

remember that the more you practise listening, the more you open your ears. And, of course, the more you open your ears, the easier it will be for you to pass your listening exam. Thus, please take advantage of all the listening resources available on this blog. As I have told you before, you need to work hard at home because our time in the classroom is quite limited. All this said, here you are a new resource that will help you to learn English through films. Enjoy!

Listening Resources: ESL-LAB

Dear students,

are you prone to find American accent difficult to understand? If the answer is afirmative, if you are nodding your head, then YOU NEED TO TRAIN YOUR EARS. This listening exercise about job hunting is really recommendable to review some vocabulary related to the topic of jobs and to get familiar with American accents. Moreover, I recommend doing as many listening exercises with American accent (and others) as possible (just in case...). ESL-LAB is full of them. Just try!

Keep studying!



Listening Resources: The News

Dear students,

if you are interested in doing listening activities related to the news, this is a great resource: News in Levels!

I hope you find it useful,




Dear students,
please do the grammar exercise on page 78, and the grammar bank on page 147 (Reporting verbs). And remember you are supposed to read the text on page 80 too : -)




check/finish the photocopies 85 and 86 (Passive Voice) and do the activities on pages 76 and 77.
See you soon!