
Travelling: To Hire, to Rent, to Let, to Lease

Dear students,

just in case you have any problem using these words, here you are some definitions:

TO HIRE = to procure temporary use of a thing or object, or to employ person for wages. 
My father hired a boat and we took a stroll on the lake.

TO RENT = to occupy or use land or buildings in return for regular payment for the use or to allow land or buildings to be used in return for such payments.
She doesn't have enough money to rent this appartment.
Our neighbour rents this land to us at a very small rent a year.

TO LET = to give the use of a flat, a room, a house, in return for regular money payments.
While in town, I saw an announcement for an appartment to be let.

TO LEASE = to give or take possession of land, buildings, things by legal agreement by which somebody is allowed to use land, buildings, etc. for a fixed money payment.
They leased the farm from an old woman.

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